Saturday, 14 January 2017

A Body, Undone By Christina Crosby

A Body, Undone View Online By Christina Crosby

Title:A Body, Undone
Author:Christina Crosby
Page:208 pages

In the early evening on October 1, 2003, Christina Crosby was three miles into a seventeen mile bicycle ride, intent on reaching her goal of 1,000 miles for the riding season She was a respected senior professor of English who had celebrated her fiftieth birthday a month before As she crested a hill, she caught a branch in the spokes of her bicycle, which instantly pitch In the early evening on October 1, 2003, Christina Crosby was three miles into a seventeen mile bicycle ride, intent on reaching her goal of 1,000 miles for the riding season She was a respected senior professor of English who had celebrated her fiftieth birthday a month before As she crested a hill, she caught a branch in the spokes of her bicycle, which instantly pitched her to the pavement Her chin took the full force of the blow, and her head snapped back In that instant, she was paralyzed In A Body, Undone, Crosby puts into words a broken body that seems beyond the reach of language and understanding She writes about a body shot through with neurological pain, disoriented in time and space, incapacitated by paralysis and deadened sensation To address this foreign body, she calls upon the readerly pleasures of narrative, critical feminist and queer thinking, and the concentrated language of lyric poetry Working with these resources, she recalls her 1950s tomboy ways in small town, rural Pennsylvania, and records growing into the 1970s through radical feminism and the affirmations of gay liberation Deeply unsentimental, Crosby communicates in unflinching prose the experience of diving into the wreck of her body to acknowledge grief, and loss, but also to recognize the beauty, fragility, and dependencies of all human bodies A memoir that is a meditation on disability, metaphor, gender, sex, and love, A Body, Undone is a compelling account of living on, as Crosby rebuilds her body and fashions a life through writing, memory, and desire

thumbnailTitle: A Body, Undone
Posted by:Christina Crosby
Published :2016-03-27T02:54+01:00
In the early evening on October 1, 2003, Christina Crosby was three miles into a seventeen mile bicycle ride, intent on reaching her goal of 1,000 mil
A Body, Undone
208 pagesChristina Crosby

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